Allure BV debuts in Cidade Jardim with a record break


With a crushing victory in her debut race at the UAE President Cup Series For Colts & Fillies III, Allure BV showed all her potential and is a strong candidate to compete with the best animals of the year.

The six-year-old gray Allure BV, driven spectacularly by apprentice jockey Dayvid Israel, achieved the 1,000 meter turf record for males and females for 3-year-old and older, with a time of 1:02.57 and 16 ¾ lengths ahead of the experienced RG Kalifa under the direction of Michael Silva.

From start to finish, even when she started jumping, she was the best. Bred and owned by Susana de Locio e Silva S. Marino, from Haras Bom Viver; daughter of *D’Jok Py and Arzade Cabitat by Rhalan Cabitat, before arriving at the Jockey Club of São Paulo (JCSP), Allure BV began her sporting campaign in endurance races; which proves, once again, the combination of these two sports: Endurance and Turf.

Allure BV is trained by Dr. Thiago Haidar and has Dr. Henrique Garcia as a veterinarian, the same team as champion VG Raj Al Mared, which provides greater expectations of having another exponent in this new generation of Arabian racing horses in Brazil.

“We believed in a good debut, but it was much better than we imagined. We knew that on turf she would do well due to the training we had and the short time at JCSP, as she came from endurance. Since the beginning of her training, she has shown that she likes the new sport and has shown enormous potential and now we are moving on to longer distance races”, said trainer Haidar after the race.

Jockey Dayvid Israel said: “I believed in victory, but I had a lot of respect for my opponents because we competed with experienced and winning animals. I just didn’t imagine that Allure BV would start with so much desire to race. In the last meters I looked back and couldn’t believe our advantage. Now we will continue training and look for new victories.”

In addition to Allure BV, two sons of Atentaddo VE, record holder in victories to date, also raced for the first time and with good results. Passionaddo Rach (Atentaddo VE x Passion Rach by Vaillant Rach) finished in third place and Magicat Rach (Atentaddo VE x Magic All Rach by Ulisses Rach) in fifth place with little difference.

Almir José Ribeiro, Racing Director of the Arabian Horse Breeders Brazilian Association (ABCCA), said “We have completed 10 years of Arabian racing in Brazil and we are hopeful with this new generation and we will certainly have new champions who will continue to build the history of Arabian horses racing in Brazil.”

“Our deep and sincere thanks to HH Sh Mansoor Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Vice President and Deputy Prime Minister of the UAE, Minister of the Presidential Court and Chairman of the Emirates Racing Authority for his visionary insight into the future of Arabian horse racing in the world and especially the dedication and affection that HE Faisal Al Rahmani, President of the International Federation of Arabian Horse Racing (IFAHR) and General Director of the UAE President Cup, has for Brazil and Brazilian Arabian horse.”

In addition to prizes during the races, all horses participating in the 2023 Race Calendar also compete in the 2023 Arabian Cup Race category promoted by the Arabian Horse Breeders Brazilian Association.

The UAE President Cup Series for Colts & Fillies III Award was organized by the Arabian Horse Breeders Brazilian Association in partnership with the Jockey Club of São Paulo.


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