Top polo patrons in the UAE gathered to compete in round-robin games under teams that were named after the Guardians of the three districts of the Expo 2020 Dubai site: Terra (Sustainability), Alif (Mobility) and Opti (Opportunity).
Terra team had opened the first chukker with a goal from Mohammed Bin Drai and had positioned itself ahead of team Alif by the end of the chukker. They kept the 2-goal lead until the end of the second chukker that sealed an early win for team Terra.
The next game was between Alif and Opti teams. Guillermo Cuitinho delivered the first goal for the Opti team. Team Alif narrowed the gap in scores during the second chukker with goals from Ignacio Garros and Raja Abuljebain but, the penalty shot from Cuitinho scored the first win for the Opti team at 3 goals to 2.
Before the last game, a twist to the divot stomping tradition – Gold Coin Hunt – had spectators search for unique coins on the field that were worth AED 3,000 in cash and gift items.