Ghantoot Polo and Habtoor Polo Teams Successful on the Third Day of the IFZA Gold Cup 2021


The Dubai Open 2021 continued with back to back qualifying matches on its third day – Ghantoot Polo versus Bangash and Habtoor Polo against IFZA-Mahra Polo.

The first match opened with a stolen goal by Marcos Araya followed by subsequent goals from Cesar Crespo and Pablo Llorente for Ghantoot Polo. The first chukker closed with a 3 goal lead from Ghantoot which Bangash Polo crushed by the second chukker as the team carved a 2 goal lead with notable goals from Federico von Potobsky and Benjamin Panelo. Araya tied the scores at 6goals by mid-chukker and Ghantoot Polo had taken back the lead by the end of the penultimate chukker. The last seven minutes of the game saw Ghantoot score an additional 4 goals from each player. Ghantoot Polo earned their second win in the tournament with 13 goals to 8.
Match Progression: 4 – 1 | 4 – 6 | 6 – 6 | 9 – 7 | 13 – 8
Top Scorer: Marcos Araya, 6 goals

Habtoor Polo team grabbed the lead early on their match against IFZA-Mahra and had a 2 goal lead by the end of the second chukker. Isidro Strada managed to tie the scores halfway through the third chukker. Segundo Amadori scored another goal and had taken the lead for IFZA-Mahra only to be settled by Facundo Sola by halftime. Felix Esain broke the tie at the penultimate chukker with a pass from Juan Jauretche

and Habtoor Polo team owned the fourth chukker as it ended with a 4 goal lead. The final chukker had seen the leading team earn their first win with a closing goal from its Patron – Mohammed Al Habtoor and ended the game at 14 goals to 7.
Match Progression: 2 – 1 |4 – 2 | 5 – 5 | 10 – 6 | 14 – 7
Top Scorer: Facundo Sola, 10 goals


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